This blog by THE CONSCIOUS GENERATION was born from a personal journey into living a more conscious lifestyle and how it impacted my life positively. It's about lifestyle design as well as practical tips on how to act 'sustainable'. In the articles, I talk to ''The Conscious Generation'', which entails all of us who want to make better decisions, but sometimes struggle how to. 

I talk about personal development and creating a better life for ourselves, as well as sustainable development and how to make more conscious choices in our lifestyles. We as a generation - despite limitless opportunities - are more anxious than ever, let's embark upon a guide to figure out how to grow into our best selves and heal e natural world in the process. 


The art of manifesting – The Conscious Generation

 person leaning on wall while holding gray hat

How to find sustainable clothing online 

What is 'sustainable' fashion? – The Conscious Generation